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Review by AWillEternal
by @AWillEternal, Fetlife, August 2023

At the time of writing this, it has been more than two weeks since my stay at Warsaw Prison. I was there for a ~75 hour "breaking psyche" type of experience spread over 4 days and included an arrest and prison transfer from the airport, hard labour and mindgames, as well as 3 sessions with Madame Grim. Although I do not consider my stay as something life changing, it was one of the most remarkable and intense BDSM experiences of my life and a dream come true. I even ended up learning new things and discovering things about myself I did not know.

During my stay I got to meet a few different guards, more than those shown on the Warsaw Prison webpage, each one with their own unique personality and way of doing things. The one thing they all had in common is that they were enjoying themselves and were having fun doing what they were doing which makes Warsaw prison such a wonderful and well run place. I could tell that the guards were being creative as well as adapting to the individual prisoner and especially remembering and taking into account the things they learned about me through the questionnaire and emails. The small things during the regular prison routine and the simple interactions that happen so naturally are what makes the experience so special. Things like hearing the guards talk to each other in polish and laugh as they leave my cell, being told to kneel and wipe the water drops off a guards boots after being showered or the occasional pain casually inflicted by a sadist and many other small things.

I chose the wormhole as my cell and was very satisfied with my accommodations. The room was cold, which is great during summer time, but not so cold as to be a problem. The look, feel and smell of the room was like a dungeon cell, but it did not take long to get used to it to the point where I could not notice the smell anymore and it quickly became my new home. I personally found the wormhole to be very comfortable and not really harsh, I even had a pet spider in one corner keeping me company.

The prison transfer is a great way to transition into prison life and it built up a lot of anticipation for what was going to happen in the coming days. I was captured in the airport parking lot by Madame Grim and had a quiet ride to the prison while cuffed, muzzled and blindfolded during which my mind was running wild with all sorts of thoughts.

Hard labour is physically taxing and a great way to push and tire out a prisoner. As someone who works mainly with my brain, I found it actually very mentally relaxing to do hard labour. I felt like there was also a lot of leniency from guard Elza, maybe it was due to me having a skinny physique and not exactly made for this type of work or maybe so that I could recover between my sessions and be in good shape to be tortured more by Madame Grim.

Mindgames were a lot of "fun" and took me through a bunch of different mental states. I will not give spoilers, but what I can say is that there were 2 different activities and guard Troffea makes sure to increase the difficulty and punish the mistakes you make. I think it would have been very different if the mindgames took place on my first or second day while I still had some anxiety and had not adapted to prison yet instead of my last day (so that it's even harder for me to focus and perform well due to being anxious).

And the favorite part of my stay - the sessions with Madame Grim. These were some of the most exciting and intense interactions of my BDSM life. I was able to try some things for the first time and also do some things that I don't get to experience often. She helped me with suggestions for arranging the schedule of my stay, arrested me at the airport and made me sweat, cry and bleed during the sessions. She is a true sadist and can be very sadistic, but is also capable of being a soft and caring Mistress when needed, being more gentle when she introduced me to something new. She is very skilled and intelligent and has a great intuition, reading my reactions and adapting over the course of the sessions. I felt very safe the entire time and I am happy to have had the honor of suffering for her.

The prison stay and the sessions are well adjusted to the individual and I think they are suitable for both softer experiences as well as for those more extreme. I loved it and I will surely visit again.

A big thanks to the prison crew and all those who helped build this unique place.

WP 2.0

650 sqm of space! The movie studio, BDSM dungeon, and event space in Warsaw. Decent location 30 min by foot from Old Town.

Easy to reach

Warsaw can be easily reached by plane. Less than 2 h from most European destinations. Flying from the USA and CA?
You can easily get directly from Toronto, Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles in 8-12h for 500$ both ways!

Warsaw City

Warsaw is a beautiful, clean, and very safe city. The Old Town, Wisla river boulevard, Museums, gardens but also a modern city with great transport infrastructure, shopping halls, a lot of good quality hotels and restaurants with tasty food. Also some unique leisures - DeepSpot, FlySpot, Suntago Water Park, shooting ranges, tank driving, car tracks.