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Review by Pieter 000428
by Pieter 000428, Fetlife, February 2024

Warsaw Prison. I visited it two years ago, the 1.0 version with Lady Daria. For two days at her mercy proved to be very tough. Should I do it again? The Warsaw Prison 2.0 promised something the same and different. I got curious, I needed to go.

The preparations went smoothly. One can choose prison programs, that allow you to have the program that fits your needs. I knew that days in prison can be long, so I chose some additional activities with the guards. Not very painful but adding tension and interaction. The financial part was done easily, as were the practical preparations on time and transport. I had a specific request on the uniform of the guards, and that was taken care of very well.

WP 2.0 is in an old office building, leaving plenty of room for all types of projects to make it a kinky paradise. The prison block is just the start of what it is going to be. Equipment was taken over from WP 1.0, and is of the highest quality, especially the isolation boxes. The prison cells are intimidating, with thick doors that are locked and isolate you totally. A lot of details are thought-through, like the toileting, showering and feeding. Being locked in the prison, you start to concentrate on what you can hear. It is the main source of information.

There are multiple guards. I was treated by Elza, Sharah and Helena (Helena is not on the website). I stayed for two days, so the guards varied per moment. This is a great experience, as they have their own personality and style. They speak English very well, and I got the impression that they were highly educated. They enjoy their activities, and you hear them having fun together, but are strict when treating you. Every day I was given a punishment for the errors made during the day, and the guards applied the beating with various whips, some 20 – 40 beatings per time. The guards are very professional: you are in safe hands, so the beating was not too hard. For next time it can be harder.

After a last whipping the guards released me. I could not promise that their lessons were so good that I would not return, as I already decided that next year i would be back. Warsaw Prison provides a unique prison experience, where your long-term prison phantasies can be fulfilled. It is not so much about pain, as about being locked away, dependent and isolated. Chogal brought me to the airport and told me about all the plans that are being prepared. For sure more possibilities. Looking forward to the further developments, I hope to see the guards again and meet also some new ones.